The connected anemometer: an invaluable ally in the wind

In agriculture, accurate knowledge of weather conditions is crucial if we are to intervene at the most opportune moment and maximise yields. Among the essential meteorological instruments, the anemometer occupies a place of choice.

What is a connected anemometer?

An anemometer is a device that measures wind speed and direction. Wind speed is determined by the rotation of cups, and wind direction is indicated by a wind vane usually fixed above the anemometer.

When connected, it transmits this data in real time to an online platform or mobile app, so you don't have to visit the site and you can easily keep track of the data.

There are different types of anemometers: cup anemometers, propeller anemometers, hot-wire anemometers and ultrasonic anemometers, for example. In the agricultural sector, connected anemometers are generally cup anemometers. They can measure light winds, but also strong gusts.

The Windcrop is Sencrop's connected anemometer. It collects the following data :

  • Wind speed in km/h
  • Wind direction
  • Gusts

Sencrop's connected anemometer allows you to consult this data in real time, as well as accessing the best wind forecasts for your crop. To find out more, read this article about Sencrop's forecasts.

The benefits of a connected anemometer

Monitoring wind data with a Sencrop connected anemometer means :

  • Access accurate data in real time, remotely: Wind information is updated in real time and available 24/7 on your phone, computer or tablet.
  • Anticipating future conditions reliably: Forecasts allow you to plan your farming activities more reliably. With Sencrop forecasts, we automatically and continuously select the most reliable wind model for your location.
  • Receive customised alerts: Set up alerts to be informed immediately when wind conditions reach critical thresholds for your various operations.
  • Maintain a record of wind conditions affecting your crops.
  • Automatically feed decision-support tools: for example, spraying windows or certain DSTs for diseases involve wind conditions.

Wind data at the service of your agricultural work

By accurately measuring wind speed and direction, you can benefit from essential information for making a wide range of agricultural decisions, such as planning crop protection treatments, fertilisation, irrigation or identifying the risk of frost.

Crop protection treatments

For crop protection treatments, spraying must be carried out in appropriate wind conditions to avoid drift and ensure optimum coverage. To limit drift, the French government has introduced a decree banning spraying in wind speeds of over 19 km/h.

‘As soon as you start spraying crops with a lot of treatments, the anemometer becomes very useful for regulatory purposes,’ Explains Olivier Deudon, agro-meteorologist at Arvalis - Institut du végétal.

Product drift incurs extra expenses for reapplication and can expose crops to diseases or other risks, while also directly impacting the environment.

Monitoring wind speed and gusts in real time during spraying helps to improve spraying efficiency. The connected anemometer therefore plays a crucial role in these operations.

On the Sencrop agricultural weather platform, you can call up the live wind data for your areas or follow the recommendations for the application of treatments directly on the "Spraying conditions" function.

Risk of frost

Frost can cause major damage to crops. There are two main types of frost: radiation frost and advection frost. Radiation frost is characterised by an absence of wind (this is the most common type of frost). Advection frost is characterised by the arrival of a mass of cold air accompanied by winds generally in excess of 15km/h.

Knowing the wind speed and direction is therefore essential for anticipating the risk of frost and implementing appropriate preventive measures.


Wind can cause water to disperse unevenly across an irrigated crop. Too little or too much water can be harmful to the crop. For example, sprinkler irrigation should be avoided during excessively windy periods.

By better understanding local weather conditions, you can adjust your irrigation practices to avoid wasting water and ensure optimum use of resources.

The connected anemometer is much more than just a wind gauge. It's an essential tool for optimising the management of your farm by providing accurate weather data in real time.

Anemometer Windcrop

Thanks to the wind-related data provided by the Windcrop connected wind gauge, you can apply treatment your crops at the ideal time and optimise your inputs in compliance with UK recommendations.

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